Monday, October 16, 2006


ok la char i will try to stop my singlish la..... thanx la i know u did this is for my own good la..... i know i will try la.... but too bad la i n a typical sgporean la wat to do la ........ hard to change la ........ give mi so time la....... but i will not use singlish in exams la la la la la

ppl demanding for this!!!

haiz... sori guy's this few day too lazy to post........ but after a high demand i finally put up a post haha.... wow today was really great! mdm cheng dismissed us so early n we don even have our lesson thanx to the lower sec.. but guess wat? she said to si hui tat the lesson will end 30 min late....... haiz... something funny happened today.... which is ...... i made li hui feel irritated haha.... sori la li hui.....

woW after trying the "gan eng seng" paper two i realise tat there is still need to improve in my maths bcause most of the damn sickening QN's i don understand especially VECTOR'S it sux

well wat can i say abt mr *****.... most of my classmate were crazy over his "IGUANA" well he make we guy envoi over his *** IGUANA haha.....

siaN lor this thursday is the O lvl science pratical.... shit man!!!! i don even know wat to do man!!!

something abt yesterday? some of my freaking POA clz mate have our extra lesson at SKCC n we sat on a sickening wooden table n the chair tend to shake maybe is bcause of my weight haha.... n the haze was equally bad........n tat jojo he say he wan to study at my house n in the end i kanna PS.... sian lor.....but later at abt 8 plus wei kang they came to find mi to study.... heng arh....

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

$2 discount for a movie ticket?

haha... today mi jojo cahr n teo go Plaza Sin to catch a movie( john tucker must DIE) well this show is sort of gal's show but it's quite interesting, while we were on our way to the cinema jojo found a $2 note's n tat's the reason why our ticket cause only $5 haaaa..... guess what happened yesterday!!! i saw her yesterday! at Rm ljs, we went there to study yesterday n i was shocked to see her there n this is the first time i c her outside haaa..

Monday, October 02, 2006



well, after reading lihui's blog i do agree with her tat the unity of both classes is fading, as compared to sec3 where we got 51 ppl in the clz especially the days we had n our very first sentosa trip!(do u still remember?) To be frank i miss those days!!! but pls trust mi! i m will try n we will try to regain our unity not gg to let the 5N's seperate n jus to tel u guy's we r gg to another Outing after our O's this time we r gg to sentosa n i do hope tat every one could go n we r gg to rox sentosa n lastly WE ARE "THE INSEPERABLE 5N's"

time files....

Omg! today is the first time ever tat i find tat lesson end so fast n so quiet , hope tat the skool is alway tat quiet n this is wat we cal the conducive environment haaa.... but lesson ended late at 3.30 so sian... jus now i when for my lunch with qing li n the uncle al crazy give mi so much food haaa.. when i alight from the bus i see my mum n we went back hoome together, well jus now i have been dl songs n sending songs! well mokkie tat idiot cal him to send mi the songs i wan n in the end he send mi all rubbish n worst! he cal me a chinese pig n well i scold him back english dog <>> actually jus now we planned to go RM study but only mi n teo so we cancelled it but now qing li n his gang comin my house to study haiz sian lor <>

Sunday, October 01, 2006


jus came back from bugis wit qing li n wei jian, well today i brought a MP3 mini-speaker damn cheap man only 9.90 haha.... yesterday nite or oso known as today morning abt 12.30am Mj with my damn sickening idiotic n attitude friend sian lor i win lor haiz.... n guess wat ? we ended at 4++, n i wake up at 2.30pm damn tiring man. well hope tat this is the very last mj maybe the next game after O lor.... ltr wei kang comin my house n study study n stil study<>how i could hope tat O is 10 mths away haha....