Monday, April 23, 2007

Today is such a tiring day. Got to wake up at 6.30 in the morning in order to be on time for lectures, but luckily todays lesson is quit "slack". After school, I went to Marina to meet Cai jun and Alex but in the end Tan and Jojo also tagged along. We when to shop for Venetia's and Vanessa's Birthday presents this coming friday. Its been quit some time we meet up. Well its quit fun today but Jojo that ass lar, waste alot of our time alway so SLOW never change but fine I am used to it. The shopping seems like we are buying our own things everyone got themselves a item except Alex. Today, we when to Levis as Cai jun wanted to purchase her first Levis jeans den later we walk around looking for Venetia and Vanessa presents but we didnt make up our mind what to buy. Then Jojo keep pestering us to go Rip curl with him and we went. He saw a slippers and he consider for a very long time whether to buy or not. Finally he made up his decision and he wanted to buy but!! don have his size cause his leg is too BIG haaaaa... Later we when to Quiksilver and Alex bought a slippers for Venetia and i saw a white wallet which cost $60. I asked around and most of them said its quit nice except Ah tan..LOL... But in the end i still bought it..haaaaaa... Then when we about to leave Marina Square, Ah tan saw a shorts at Giordano after trying she bought one too, then we finally leave Marina Square. BUT!!! Jojo still didnt give up he when to Flash and Splash at City Link to check out the slippers and he finally get one that he like. However, when we was about to leave the shop, Jojo spot on a long sleeve T-shirt but itd too big for him! Aiya I dont want to say liao la type so LONG I now si bei sian liao so more still got so many homework. Sian la need to do homework liao......

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