Saturday, January 06, 2007

Hello! My dearest friend stop complaining that the Class Chalet is TOO EXPENSIVE! I know some of you might think that it is too EX but HOLD ON! Please think again, you guys want everything to be CHEAP yes we can make it cheaper BUT what if we reduce the price and ended up we got to fork out some more money. We experience this before and its probably most of the time. Just like our few trip to SENTOSA, the Organisers have to fork out the mininum of $20 everytime and did we ask you guys to pay us back? Did we? I also realise that some of you don't trust us and think that we will sort of take the leftover money and spend it. Hey come on la! we will show you guy's the RECIEPT and if you dont believe me you can accompany us to purchases the food. If not we will produce the receipt and you guys can check it out on the actual day and if there is any mistakes in the receipt or you guys find something is wrong with it jus tell us! Lastly, if there is money leftover we will return each and every cent to you guys. Sorry for this but some of you are pushing us to our limit.

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