Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Finally, I have decided not to buy the Fossil watch. After so many days, I seriously think that I don't really need a watch DESPERATELY!

Well, well, well. I realised that many people don't blog as often and worst some of their blogs are becoming DEAD! Sian!!! Lesser blogs to read. People like Tan!

Do you have any plans for this coming Christmas? Well, I have! My relatives will be coming over to my house to celebrate. Haha... To be frank, this year my family have alot of gathering such as chalet, birthday celebration and festive celebrations. Throught this celebrations and normal outing, I agree that the bond between our family had improved.

Today, we have our DBM option day. We were given 4 options to choose. Human Resource, Supply Chain, Customer Relation and Retail Management. Erm... I think what I am interested in and what will be my first choice but what I am worried about is, what if I didn't get into the first or second choice I want. If this really happens what the HELL should I do? Perhaps the only things I can do now is to PRAY HARD!!!

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